Health Food Institute Lecture & Luncheon

Join us at the Museum of Brands to celebrate 40 years of the Health Food Institute.  The HFI Annual Lecture and Luncheon is a must-go event in the natural products calendar, attended by Fellows and Members of the Institute, health food retailers, industry leaders from manufacture and supply, and representatives from trade bodies and associations.  This event also incorporates the HFI Awards which recognise and reward training excellence in our industry.

Previous speakers include David Carter, then head of the Borderline Section of the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), Dr. Rupy Aujla from the Royal College of GPs and Rob Verkerk from the Alliance for Natural Health.

Follow our Facebook page for updates on this year’s special anniversary event. To reserve your place please contact


27th June 2019


13th October 2019

Natural Health Trade Summit 2019

Organised by the publisher of Health Food Business magazine, the Natural Health Trade Summit is a one-day exhibition, networking and learning event exclusively for the independent health food trade.

Organised in association with the National Association of Health Stores, this free event brings retailers together in an atmosphere dedicated to the business of better and more successful retailing.

Following the success of the the 2018 event, the summit returns for 2019 on Sunday 13 October with an even bigger and better exhibition area and educational programme.

Register free online at