Part 2 of our Professional Diploma Course expands on the knowledge gained in Diploma Part One to make you proficient in all products and scenarios that you would encounter whilst working in the Health Food Store environment - it's half price until 31st July!

This Module is designed to give you a greater understanding of basic food commodities.  In particular, it provides a wealth of information on the essential features of wholefoods and why they are essential for good health. Chapters include the important aspects of each of the following food groups: cereals, nuts, seeds, pulses, dried fruit, milk and milk products, sweeteners, sea vegetables, fats and oils. Throughout this module the key nutritional characteristics are shown.



This Module will provide you with a greater understanding of the basic principles of herbal medicine and knowledge of the most commonly found herbs in health stores and their role in maintaining health. An introduction to phytotherapy is followed by an interesting summary of the use of herbal medicines through the ages from pre-historic times, through traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, Greek, Roman and Persian/Arab medicine to early Western use. The place of herbs in the modern world and in modern medicine is addressed along with information on herbal preparations, their chemistry, adverse reactions and quality. The bulk of the module provides you with the basics to the background and usage of the herbs most commonly found in a health food store.



The aim of this module is to provide a basic understanding of the key principles behind the science of Sports Nutrition. Chapters in this module cover the benefits of exercise, water and hydration, the importance of correct nutrition including the provision of adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrate in the diet are discussed. Sports nutrition supplements including hydration drinks, meal replacements, protein supplements, glutamine, creatine, beta-alanine, HMB, CLA, BCAA’s, ZMA, arginine and nitric oxide are summarised. The module also provides useful tips for those involved in selling sports nutrition products.



Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has a different approach to disease and remedies from that of conventional medicine. This Module will provide you with a basic understanding ofthe principles behind homoeopathy and how a number ofindividual homoeopathic medicines relate to common medical conditions. The preparation of homoeopathic medicines is discussed and remedies for general family use are identified. Answers to common questions from customers seeking homoeopathic treatment are provided along with the main characteristics of some common homoeopathic remedies



Holistic good health aims for the complete balance of mind, body and spirit. If one part of the whole is slightly off balance this can cause dis-ease in another part – the recognition of this, and crucially, being aware of the first sign of any imbalance at an early stage and correcting it, can very often prevent disease itself and this is where alternative and complementary therapies, within the sphere of an integrated health care system, can be so advantageous. This module will provide you with a useful summary of the most widely used alternative and complementary therapies practiced in the UK allowing you to inform your customers of some of the choices available should they seek your advice.



This module provides you with a comprehensive guide to the most common nutritional supplements found in health stores and their role in maintaining health. Once limited mainly to vitamins and minerals the expression ‘dietary supplements’ now covers an array of products.People realise that taking appropriate nutrients in supplement form that are not being adequately supplied by their diet can bring added energy, health and balance to their lives. With supplements readily available the potential to change the lives of sufferers is immense and relatively inexpensive. In this module the role of the most popular dietary supplementsare summarised. The information will help you to build your knowledge of food supplements in nutrition enabling you to give good advice to your customers, and better enable you to understand the rationale for healthy eating practices.



Many of your customers come to your health store for natural, organic alternatives to mainstream household, cosmetic and bodycare products.  This module provides you with a summary of harmful ingredients that may be found in mainstream products. In individual products various chemicals may represent only a trace amount, but with multiple exposure the cumulative effect of using numerous products a day can amount to a substantial internal dose to potentially harmful chemicals. The module provides you with information on the principles of eco-living and the facts about what’s in beauty, bodycare, skincare and household products.



The expected standards and actions taken in the performance of day to day tasks in a health store should reflect its professional code of practice. It must be practical for the efficiency and improved sales of the store, follow the legalities, be approved by those in authority, be open to scrutiny and be seen to follow the principles of legal and moral trading both in spirit and in fact. The benefit of having a clear code of practice will be seen in higher awareness of the professionalism of the store.



A clear outline of the conditions and functions of the body for which a retailer is NOT ALLOWED to sell products.